The lost ten tribes of ancient Isreal,
their worldwide migration

Because the Northern Kingdom of Isreal adopted the (Sun God) Baal worship practices. God allowed the Assyrians to take them into captivity. Not all returned to Isreal after the Assyrians empire crumbled. This page relates only to the physical Isreal, The spirtual Isreal is of another matter.


PBS NOVA: Where are the Ten Lost Tribes?

The mix practices of Levites and Baal priests may be the foundation of the Shintoism religion.
Eastern migration to Japan, founding the Shinto religion

Japan is a large chain of islands and endpoint of eastern tribe migrations. Tribes migrating from Europe and Middle East would settle in Japan. Over time these tribes would contribute to the main Japanases gene pool. Thus Japanases tone color and physical appearance are different then most other Asians. The Japanase have many similiar facial features to that of the Jews. and their DNA the Y-chromosome show close relations.
Who are the Japanese?

Western migration to Ireland

The mix practices of Levites and Baal priests may be the foundation of the Druid religion.
Old testaments roots of Celtic Mythology

There is a possibility that King David's leanage may be traced to the Queen of England,
to all royalties in Europe, and to the Emperor of Japan.