Gold Rust?
Gold will never rust.
Melting point 1063 C
Boiling point 2970 C
Density 19300
Atomic weight 196,967
Ordinal number 79
Au, the chemical symbol for gold, can be traced back to the Latin word for gold, "aurum", and further to the ancient Italian word for morning glow, "aurora". Another explanation is that "aurum" comes from the ancient Hebrew word for light, "aor".
Through the ages it has been believed that there is a strong connection between gold and the sun. As late as in Columbus' time a belief prevailed that gold is formed by the heavenly glow of the sun. Gold could therefore be found mainly in the area where the sunshine is at its most powerful, that is, between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer.
Gold is mentioned in the story of the Creation and is the first metal
which is known to have been used by man. The earliest documents describing
the search for gold originated four thousand years ago in ancient Egypt
Gold is said to be the king of metals. While being extremely malleable, one ounce of gold can be stretched to a string of over 40 miles. Gold is also one of the best conductors of electricity and it never rusts. |